The Indian Diaspora Council (IDC) is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Marlan Padayachee as Indian Diaspora Council’s Media Coordinator, Africa..
This appointment takes effect immediately. The term of this appointment is for a period of three (3) years and can be renewed upon request and approval of the Board of Directors of the Indian Diaspora Council. The Indian Diaspora Council’s Media Coordinator, Africa reports to the Vice President, Digital Media & Next Gen Outreach.
The portfolio of IDC’s Media Coordinator, Africa shall include: Active promotion and publicity on behalf of Indian Diaspora Council, its activities and its programs in all media in Africa, including but not limited to print, television and radio broadcast, internet and social media.
Indian Diaspora Council recognizes that a significant number of Indian indentured labourers came to Africa, in particular South Africa, during the Indian Indentureship period. South Africa is home for one of the largest populations of persons of Indian origin numbering over 1.5 million. March 20, 2017 marks the 100th anniversary of the official abolition of Indian Indentureship, an era spanning 1834-1917. The history and consequences of Indian Indenturedship are deeply embedded with importance, meaningful history and reflections to millions of descendants living in many countries which were the recipients of Indian Indentured labourers. The Indian Diaspora Council (IDC), in collaboration with several organizations and institutions in various countries, is coordinating a series of high profile global events to mark the centennial of abolition of Indian Indenturedship. The global convention will be held in March 2017 while there will be a series of global events leading up to that March 2017 convention.
Marlan Padayachee is an accomplished and widely travelled award-winning journalist, photojournalist, media strategist and author in South Africa, having worked at the frontline of a racially-divided and unequal society under tough censorship laws and reporting restrictions in the apartheid state to covering the journey from the liberation and anti-apartheid movements to democracy and the new social order in major newspapers, radio, TV and publications since 1994, and continues to write commentary and opinion-editorial articles on local and global issues, while also focusing on the Indian diaspora and South Africa’s relations with its traditional allies, India and Mauritius
As a multifaceted senior practitioner in journalism, media liaison, speechwriting, protocol and editing, printing and publishing, and also specializsing in straddling his expertise and centre of influence in the government-private sector, including foreign diplomatic missions, Marlan Padayachee’s work has earned him the following awards: British Council Fellow (1988-89), United States Information Services Fellow (1995), Gopio International (2015, Life Member).
Current Positions: International Federation of Journalists (Brussels); Ambassador, City University London (City University-University of London); Board member/spokesman: RK Khan Hospital (Chatsworth, South Africa); Media liaison: 2016 Gopio International Europe Convention (Paris); Media strategist: Minara Chamber of Commerce 2016 Recognition Awards & Gala Banquet (Durban); Media and communications coordinator: 2017 Gopio International Business Conference, South Africa